Bloggers far too often try to focus on the big things. Big ideas. Big thoughts. I’ve often find myself justifying long periods of writer’s cramp by saying I’ve got nothing important to say.
It was one such outburst that prompted my wonderful wife to say ‘it doesn’t have to be something profound, just write.’
In that spirit, I present a short and non-exhaustive list of little things that make me smile. Perhaps someone reading this will discover something new.
Beau’s Lug Tread
(specifically the big ceramic bottles)
As a beer snob, I love finding and trying beers from all over the world. But finding a truly delicious beer that is brewed less than an hour away is a real treat, particularly if you’re going to a 100 Mile Diet potluck. Beau’s Lug Tread is a strange little beer, similar to the Kolsch that makes Koln famous. Really, really tasty. And it’s made of organic malts – a nice touch, I think. Photo borrowed (sans permission) from srboisvert‘s flickr stream.
Pooch Cafe
Easily my favourite comic strip these days. A cynical dog hanging out in a bar with other dogs and generally making the life of his owner’s cat-loving wife a living hell. Pooch Cafe is a great mix of ‘awww’ moments thinking of my own goofy canine and laugh out loud (or LOL, to coin a phrase) moments that get me weird looks at work.
Once a week, my wife and I meet some friends at a downtown pub where we team up against other geeks in search of trivia supremacy. Paul, the host, is hilarious and the questions are often just bizarre. Yes, I know I am a geek.
Sushi at Green Tea in Ottawa
There’s a cool little sushi place on Elgin Street in Ottawa called Green Tea; it’s become a favourite for me and my lovely wife. They have awesome spring rolls, great sushi and the servers are always friendly. Only drawback? The food can take awhile if they’re busy. Photo borrowed without permission from SiFu‘s flickr stream.
This is my second beer entry, I know, but since Lug Tread’s awesome bottles aren’t usually available in pubs, I figure I should include the draught beers that make me smile. Mill Street Brewery in Toronto kicks ass. Coffee porter? Yummy. Organic lager? Tasty. Tankhouse Ale? Trivia-tastic (see above).
Alright, that should make a good first list. How about you, dear readers? What little things make you smile?
I used to read Pooch Cafe religiously. Such a great comic strip — I’ll have to start looking for it again. A friend of mine once emailed the cartoonist (author?) Paul Gilligan and got a very nice reply. PG seems to be a cool guy.