“Gee, 42 pts, did you get a haircut?”

Clearly, the literal answer to the titular question is no.
Clearly, the literal answer to the titular question is no.

Unless you’re reading this in an RSS reader or some such, you’ve probably noticed that things look a little different around here.

The new theme is called i3Theme, by Mango Orange. It’s a variation of a sleek (but two-column) theme called iTheme by N.Design Studio.

Not only is it inspired by Mac OS (which in and of itself makes it worthy, in my books), it has some really cool features.

  • Dislike the way in which I’ve arranged my sidebar widgets? Click and drag, baby. Move them around for yourself.
  • Hate one of my widgets entirely? Click the green dot and watch it disappear.

I’ve also taken the time to install some new plugins – namely “Sociable” so you can share any of the content you find here and “Chat Catcher” so I can track any comments on posts that end up on Twitter or somesuch place (‘cept I think I borked it on install).

Feel free to comment and let me know what you think. I’m hoping to keep this theme for a little longer than the last one.

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