The growth of “rock star” as a job title or description totally baffles me (unless, of course, you are paid to perform rock music to arenas full of screaming fans. Then it’s pretty spot on, I guess). People call themselves rock stars. People call other people rock stars. People even post jobs looking for the… Continue reading Rock star? We can do better
Category: Rantin’
Graphics, info and otherwise
Either there’s been a lot stupidity on Twitter lately or I’ve been extra snarky about the usual amount of stupidity. Either way, I’ve turned to passive aggressive image creation as my outlet. First, in the wake of the Twifficiency madness, here’s the design comp for my new Twitter rating system:
Infographics: If we are being honest…
Where is the ROI in making someone feel stupid?
Hey you, you with the iPhone and all the latest location-based apps. Yea you, guy who already thinks foursquare is obsolete. Guy who fills his blog with reviews of gadgets and services that aren’t even available yet, ready for the next big thing. Just stop it, will you?
Really, it’s not about you
It was a rough start to the morning. Nowhere near enough sleep, comedy of errors resulting in no chance to eat breakfast, then the painful sound of the bus roaring away as I’m pulling on my shoes. My commute is pretty evenly split between bus days and car days these days but today is most… Continue reading Really, it’s not about you
I don’t hate newspapers, really, I don’t
The arrival of a new year and a new decade has prompted many “where was I ten years ago?” posts from people far smarter and more talented than this humble scribe. For me, though, this retrospective meandering was nothing new. I find myself gazing back to the turn of the millennium every time I hear… Continue reading I don’t hate newspapers, really, I don’t
OT: A hockey rant
Note: There’s a video at the end of this post.It’s pretty disturbing. I’ve placed it at the end so you can decide whether or not you want to watch it once you’ve read the post. It’s not graphic or anything but watching it upset me a fair bit so I want to give you the… Continue reading OT: A hockey rant
The awesome power of the click?
One interesting by-product of the proliferation of social tools has been the boon in one-click activism. One need only look at the staggering number of Facebook groups dedicated to every thinkable cause to start to see how widely this has spread. Want to save the people of Darfur? How about ending breast cancer? If you… Continue reading The awesome power of the click?
Have I truly become that which I most despise?
Anyone who’s read this blog, followed me on Twitter or met me in person over a pint or two knows I’ve had some less-than-nice things to say about “Social Media Consultants.” I’ve tried to temper my comments by saying I’m only ranting about some consultants, not all, but in general, one could easily come away… Continue reading Have I truly become that which I most despise?
How abuse of the English language paved the way for snake-oil salesmen masquerading as social media consultants
Defining social media and proclaiming where they are going next is an obsession of many of us who reside in our happy little fishbowl. Lord knows I’ve based more than one post on it here at 42 Points. But do you see what I did there, in the second part of that first link? I said where “they” are going. Not where “it’s” going.
Now, I’ve been known to nitpick grammar issues in the past and I’ll admit it can be a bit pedantic to do so. Sure, I’d like to punch everyone who “takes a decision” or “impacts something” in the spleen but, at the end of the day, are they hurting anyone? Well, maybe the guy impacting something is, I suppose it would depend on what he is impacting.