Moetry in motion

Raise money for prostate cancer research – win a free poem from an award-winning poet. Details? Well they’re right here.

Categorized as The Site

Where is Joe?

Sorry folks. I know that the DOZENS of people who occasionally stumble over to this site have been waiting for another post. I mean, really, nothing since January? It’s not that I don’t care. But with the wife back at work I’m doing a lot more Daddy duty these days. That, coupled with a pretty… Continue reading Where is Joe?

Categorized as The Site


I expect to see a bit of a bump in traffic here in the next week or so as IABC Ottawa folks pop by to see if it’s worth coming out to the workshop I’m running for them on November 9 (plug, plug). The blog is only slightly less scattered than my Twitter feed, by… Continue reading Housekeeping?

Jingle etc. Jingle etc.

I know, it’s been quiet around here the last few weeks.  The holiday season does that to people, I’ve heard. Anyway, to those of you who read this humble corner of teh interweb, best of the season to you and yours. Be sure to check back in early 2008 as I continue to muse, rant… Continue reading Jingle etc. Jingle etc.

Categorized as The Site