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Category: The Site
Where is Joe?
Sorry folks. I know that the DOZENS of people who occasionally stumble over to this site have been waiting for another post. I mean, really, nothing since January? It’s not that I don’t care. But with the wife back at work I’m doing a lot more Daddy duty these days. That, coupled with a pretty… Continue reading Where is Joe?
I expect to see a bit of a bump in traffic here in the next week or so as IABC Ottawa folks pop by to see if it’s worth coming out to the workshop I’m running for them on November 9 (plug, plug). The blog is only slightly less scattered than my Twitter feed, by… Continue reading Housekeeping?
“Gee, 42 pts, did you get a haircut?”
Unless you’re reading this in an RSS reader or some such, you’ve probably noticed that things look a little different around here. The new theme is called i3Theme, by Mango Orange. It’s a variation of a sleek (but two-column) theme called iTheme by N.Design Studio. Not only is it inspired by Mac OS (which in… Continue reading “Gee, 42 pts, did you get a haircut?”
You know what really grinds my gears? Vol. I
This post has been building in me for awhile now. There are, of course, no hard and fast rules for how people should comport themselves in the online world. Jackassitude is a purely subjective (and entirely made up ) measure. Nobody has asked me to be the arbiter of good conduct and I don’t profess… Continue reading You know what really grinds my gears? Vol. I
Reflections on SMBOttawa 5
Tell me and I’ll forget Show me and I may remember Involve me and I’ll understand Rather than recap the most recent Social Media Breakfast Ottawa from memory, I will just point you to Mel Gallant’s great post and stick instead with my take-away thoughts based on what was discussed. I think the key theme… Continue reading Reflections on SMBOttawa 5
Best laid plans go something something
So I’m just wrapping up a week of vacation (the home kind, not the travel kind), my first since Christmas. I had planned to do a fair bit of blogging but, as fate would have it, my body planned instead to get a crippling cold and leave me on my couch playing Wii most of… Continue reading Best laid plans go something something
Testing the WP for iPod
I have never felt quite so hip as I do now; tapping out a blog post on my iPod.
Jingle etc. Jingle etc.
I know, it’s been quiet around here the last few weeks. The holiday season does that to people, I’ve heard. Anyway, to those of you who read this humble corner of teh interweb, best of the season to you and yours. Be sure to check back in early 2008 as I continue to muse, rant… Continue reading Jingle etc. Jingle etc.
Does this update make my butt look big?
The more astute of you will have noticed that 42 Points just got a little bigger in the back end. With domain name renewal time coming up again I decided to import my old Megalomedia blog from responsiblepress.org, thus creating one repository of all my various bloggy musings. So if any of you care to,… Continue reading Does this update make my butt look big?