A few months ago I wrote about #BlameDrewsCancer – one guy’s amazingly-cool reaction to being diagnosed with cancer.
Since then, thousands upon thousands of people have blamed Drew’s cancer for all kinds of stuff. Lance Armstrong’s LIVESTRONG campaign got on board. Oh, and as promised, Drew kicked his cancer’s ass.
Now he’s taking it up a notch. In an effort to keep the fight going, Drew decided to auction off his prized twitter handle with the proceeds going to the fight against cancer. Over the weekend, the auction caught the eye of none other than Drew Carey, who first offered $25,000 for the honour of being @drew, then upped the ante by offering $100,000 if he hits the 100,000 follower mark by November 9.
Disclosure: I’m a huge critic of one-click activism . It seems like an easy way for people to pretend to care (how many Save Darfur Groups are there on Facebook these days?) without actually doing anything.
Further disclosure: I think follower races on Twitter are stupid. They miss the point and only serve to further the bullshit notion that Twitter is a place for vainglorious wankers to collect followers like baseball cards.
Last disclosure: I just followed @DrewFromTV and I really hope you do too. Notwithstanding my skepticism and pissiness about similar campaigns, I’m a huge believer in what Drew’s doing. He’s turning an online movement into something tangible and making a real difference. If getting Drew Carey 100,000 followers means a four-fold increase in his bid then for crying out loud let’s get him 100,000 followers.