My significantly better half is much better about writing about her personal life than I am; I usually stick to ranting and musing about the communications / PR realm.
But, today, I take a page from her book because today marks the second anniversary of the day we stood in front of friends and loved ones to commit to spending our lives together. It hasn’t all been shits and giggles; we’ve had our share of challenges and hardships. But we’re still together, still very much in love and ready to face the next series of challenges and hardships life will throw at us.
My wife makes me a better person. She challenges me, supports me and suffers me with grace and patience. She’s mostly stopped rolling her eyes when I make a bad joke and I’ve mostly stopped groaning when she busts out a bad pun. She’s my best friend and I’m lucky to have her.
Happy anniversary, babe. Thanks for being awesome.
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This day in history (2007): I concluded that I did in fact like it and thus proceeded to put a ring on it: [link to post] (Blog)
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Congrats to @joeboughner, @amybougner wrt time well spent, celebrations, and great things ahead: [link to post] (Blog)
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