Call it waning optimism

When I posted last week about tonight’s debate on Darfur, I was cautiously optimistic. Just maybe the issue would get some in-depth coverage in the Canadian media, I thought. Then the Globe ran an editorial (see the comments on the aforelinkedto post) and I got more excited.

Then I wrote the MediaScout post this morningĀ  and in so doing, read the major papers’ coverage of yesterday’s developments (a peace deal brokered by the AU was rejected by the rebels and rallies were staged in Washington, Toronto and other cities calling for action).

Number of “Big Seven” (CBC, CTV, Globe, Star, Post, Citizen, la Presse) outlets to cover the story? Seven.

Number of Big Seven outlets to rely on foreign wire copy for the story? Four (Globe, Post, Citizen, la Presse).

Number of outlets to mention tonight’s debate? Two (Star and CBC).

And lastly, number of outlets to note that George Clooney was at the Washington rally? You guessed it! Seven.

This isn’t the in-depth, nuanced coverage I was craving. And with the federal budget coming down tomorrow, I worry that tonight’s debate will be buried.

Please, Canadian media. Prove me wrong.

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